LScript (Modeler) to produces a 2 point polychain between two selected points.
Compatible with Newtek LightWave 9.6 and above.
// LScript Modeler - // // web address: // email address: /* LScript Modeler - 2PointPolyChain */ @version 2.2 @warnings @script modeler @name *2 Point Poly Chain // Title sTitle = "*2 Point Poly Chain"; // Version sVersion = "v1.0"; ctrl_c0; main { // Recall iNumber = recall("iNumber",10); reqbegin(sTitle + " " + sVersion); // Reset ctrl_res0 = ctlbutton("Reset",50,"button_reset"); // Button Reset ctlsep(); // Control ctrl_c0 = ctlinteger("Number",iNumber); // Developer ctlsep(); ctrl_dev0 = ctltext("","developer: Stephen Culley",""); return if !reqpost(); iNumber = getvalue(ctrl_c0); // Store store("iNumber",iNumber); // Selection - Point (GLOBAL) selmode(GLOBAL); iPointCountBefore = pointcount(); // Selection - Point (DIRECT) selmode(DIRECT); iPointCount = pointcount(); if(iPointCount <= 1) error("Select two points."); if(iPointCount > 2) error("Select two points."); moninit(iNumber,"Processing..."); // Progress Monitor editbegin(); vStart = pointinfo(points[1]); vEnd = pointinfo(points[2]); nDistance = distance3D(vStart,vEnd); if(iNumber <> 0.0){vOffset = (vEnd - vStart) / iNumber;}else{vOffset = <0.0,0.0,0.0>;} for(n = 1; n <= iNumber; n++) { aPoints[1] = addpoint(vStart + (vOffset * (n - 1))); aPoints[2] = addpoint(vStart + (vOffset * n)); addpolygon(aPoints); monstep(); // Progress Monitor } editend(); monend(); // Progress Monitor // Selection - Point (GLOBAL) selmode(GLOBAL); iPointCountAfter = pointcount(); if((iPointCountAfter - iPointCountBefore) > 0) { for(s = 1; s <= (iPointCountAfter - iPointCountBefore) ; s++){aSelection[s] = s + iPointCountBefore;} selmode(USER); selpoint(SET, POINTNDX, aSelection); mergepoints(0.0); // Merge Points } } button_reset { setvalue(ctrl_c0,10); // Number } // VECTOR 3D distance3D: v1, v2 // n { // Vector return(sqrt(((v2.x - v1.x) * (v2.x - v1.x)) + ((v2.y - v1.y) * (v2.y - v1.y)) + ((v2.z - v1.z) * (v2.z - v1.z)))); }
Thanks for this handy tool, it allows me a comfortable way to perform several advanced techniques in both a flexible and efficient manner.